Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Burning Drip

 Along with The Many Bar shows the clap played, which I will get to ,We also played a lot of party;s .One in particular that comes to mind was one out at a farm house,It was owned by My friend Jim Wagner.He hung out with a bunch of people we called the 4 wheeler's .They listened to punk and liked us, they would come and see us play a lot. They asked us to play this 3 day party they were having at the farm house.So we packed up and set out for the farm for a weekend of camping,parting and punk rock fun!!! We arrived early Friday evening and set up a stage in the second floor of the Barn next to the farm house .It was a great location the room was big and would protect the equipment if it would start to rain.
     The first night was great the beer and was flowing every one was having a good time.We played two sets to a bopping energetic crowd.We were prepared for this show and had a lot of material to cover and even a new song or two.I personally loved to play these kind of shows with your friends in a relaxed environment .You Just play better no pressure.well the First night went without a hitch it was a lot of fun we got a good sleep for the show the next day which would be bigger.
The next Morning was a real beautiful morning a few hung over people not many. We all made breakfast I walked the power line picking berries. We started the Party early we Did a set in the early afternoon for a warm up and waited till later to do a good set.We hiked around,the place were we were at had a lot of trails and a power line the 4 wheeler's use to ride on with there 4 wheel drive monster trucks.At about 3:00 we decided to play our set,we started out strong and loud the place was rocking . people were bopping ,beer was flowing everyone was having a good time when,these 3 hill billies came walking up the drive carrying shotguns. a few people and the owner went to confront them. They said they were having a wedding reception down the way and they weren't going to have our loud music ruining it. So we had to drop the volume well that didn't work  it only pissed them off more because we didn't quit. all in all we had to stop playing. so we packed up and just decided to stay and just get drunk and stay the night.
     The Next morning we woke up to all these people yelling because some one stole there food, ate it and left before they woke up, what a rip off. Well every one chipped together and fed everyone and all was fine.Not wanting to let the good time go we all chipped in for more BEER. a 1/2 barrel YE HA !!!! party on Wayne party on Garth.Our Friend Nick Barrel went to get the beer and picked up a hitch hiker on the way back and brought her to the party .this chick was a winner and a song inspiration ,she got so fuckin Drunk
she started hitting on all the guys,this is where the story gets good ! One Guy took her into the bed room and fucked her and then the train began.There was a line of 15 guys outside that room and everyone had his turn it was going on for hours a real sausage party . I was sitting at the picnic table and she came out of the house and ran past me naked up to the power lines and a train of dudes followed. one guy got her and took her on this tractor and she sucked his cock on it. then they laid her on the ground and kept fucking her. at this time I thought it was getting a little sick so I took a picture of warm beer and poured it on her in between fucks. This made all the guys mad and everything end quickly,so me and a few others took her down to the barn and sat her down at the picnic table I got her a beer and she asked me for a piece of paper and pen. I got her one and she wrote this little jingle for me it went like this:
                                                    When I am sober I sit and stew
                                                    When I am drunk I like to fuck and screw
                                                    And when this life is over and all things come to pass
                                                    I hope they plant me upside down and fuck me up the ass
                                                    The burning drip,Hitch hikers hero

The strangest thing was every one of those Guys that fucked Her got THE CLAP  they were all pissing nails. some of them had girl friends that left that morning or the night before.I kept that note and went home and we wrote the burning drip one of my favorite songs.It always brings back memories of the old times the early innocent days. That was a great weekend it went in the clap history book, This was a true story I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Clap Unlimited "now we are serous "

 We started playing a lot more bars we weren't even 21, they would Keep us in the dressing room or in the kitchen  until we played.Our manager wouldn't let us get high or drink or do anything before we played,this made us a little different than the norm. especially for a punk band we weren't all fucked up. We were on adrenaline and nothing else that is how it was in the beginning.Our management took on the name:The Clap Unlimited, They also with the help of Ed Motley started booking Bands  at this club the lighthouse located in Hanover township Near the airport.It was surrounded by cornfields,The cops never shut this place down for noise.I thought This was the perfect venue to bad they turned it into a bed and breakfast now.Any way the shows were fun one night before we went on we had to piss, we were going on after 2 more songs that was our Que.We were in this room they kept us in on the second floor, the only way to the bathroom was down a spiral stairs and through the crowd.Me and mike were pissing in empty glasses and a planter.Robbie opened a window and started pissing out it,It was right above the front entrance .well The owner and a few other people were coming in at the time and shit hit the fan. we got bitched at for throwing water out the window we were laughing so hard we couldn't stop Just thinking some of the people watching us were just pissed on,

     The Band Played many show at the lighthouse In the late 70's and early 80's they opened For many of the punk bands that played there.They also arranged there own hall shows and sold tickets for them,some were very successful and even sold out.these were good times for THE CLAP It helped us mature and tighten up our set to have a professional act so we would be taken seriously .We wanted to record and get a record deal.!

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Prince of punk

Step Pillage (aka Stephen Lanzillo):Was the true First punk of the Lehigh Valley.This Guy was punk to the core.I first met step at the 4 th st. saloon  , He was a loud obnoxious punk with a real hate for the Government.He thought everything was a conspiracy ,and the world was out to get him he was always paranoid .He would stand out in front of punk shows with propaganda fliers handing them out and shouting out political rants .people would spit on him throw his papers around push him.I thought it was funny because he never quit it got to the point that he would annoy people.He was really more a pest than anything ,and the craziest shit would happen to him because of it.
     One time I took him to a liars show ,it was outside at tri- borough sportsman's club.The liars were playing a set and step was being his annoying self shouting out rants and shit. after the 1st set I slipped away to smoke a joint,when I came back everyone was spiting on step and throwing things at him.They poured a pitcher of beer on his head and he freaked throwing his arms in the air and screaming as he went to his car.People continued to throw shit at his car.then someone threw a big hunk of grass with the roots and dirt on the wind shield.Step pealed out hitting a few tree's on the way.Later we herd he was stopped by the Northampton police gave them a hard time got maced and thrown in jail.this was par for step
     Step was so annoying he was banned from motleys record store and some club venues.I would let him stay at my house when he was in town because he was not allowed at his parents because he burned it to the ground when he fell a sleep with a cigarette.When we would hang out with me he would all most get beat up for lighting in scents in the clubs.It is sad that step is no longer with us but I will always  remember him as the PRINCE of PUNK

PS: Don't Get me wrong when you read these stories I loved Step He was a good friend. I am just telling These stories because they really happened.

Stephen A. Lanzillo

April 16, 2006|The Morning Call
Stephen A. Lanzillo, 44, of Bradenton, Fla., passed away April 4, 2006. He was the son of Loretta and Mario Lanzillo. Originally from Allentown, Stephen graduated from Allen High School. He worked at a few places in the Lehigh Valley including Day-Timers Inc. before moving to Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., and most recently Bradenton, where he worked for a security service. Throughout his life, anyone who met or knew Stevie can never forget his unique charm and genuine personality. He will be missed dearly by friends here as well as the other places he lived.
Survivors: Mother, Loretta Lanzillo of Bradenton; sister, Janice Lanzillo and her children, Victoria and Matthew Smith, of Allentown, Pa.

PS: notice the in scents in steps hand !!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

the Early Lehigh Valley Seen

We were not alone,There were a few other bands  in the Valley.The first Bands were The Midnighters ,The Tran sonics/trendsetters,The Clap,The Liars.These were the only punk bands that I knew of at the birth of the lehigh valley seen.The Midnighters  lead singer and guitarist Johnny was a cool guy. I met him through his girl friend who was a substitute teacher at Catty High school.He would pick her up after school some times  and she introduced us to him.We were Just starting at the time and didn't have our first show yet.He was such an inspiration he had a bizarre personality sick in a way.He would tell us of shows he would go to in New York at CBGB's and Maxy's Kansas City.He told us of bands he would see like Iggy pop, Sid Viscous,Dead Boys,Johnny Thunders,The Heart Breakers and many others.The stories he would tell us made me want to play in a punk band all the more.The Midnighters were like a blend between the heart breakers and the Ramones a 70's power pop sound like a lot of punk bands of the time.The Clap was fortunate to open up a few shows with the Midnighters  Before they split in 1980 due to musical differences . The Last I heard of Johnny he was a minister in El Paso for the rest of the band they faded into the cracks of the lehigh valley past.
     The Tran sonics were fronted by Ronnie Rock who's ego could fill a room and the Prince of punk the late(Steve Lanzillo) Step Pillage.There time on the seen was short lived and they only did a few shows at the 4th st. saloon in Bethlehem Pa. They were punk as punk could be. Step played a bass with 3 strings and a rubber band he had a British flag suit coat with a lot of badges and safety pins on it.Ronnie had slicked back hair and a 50's leather look.I don't Remember the drummer.The one show I saw and I think was the last show was so funny.,every one had a squirt gun and was shooting at the band Ronnie was getting pissed.Then Ed Mottley Filled a gun with dish soap and things got worse step was so wet and suds were all over him,so was Ronnie, he went to the mic and was bitching at everyone and a blue electric current shot across to his mouth and shocked him for about 5 seconds.Then some one took a wiped cream pie and smashed it in step's face and he lost it, he was jumping and thrashing around in the crowd wiped cream flying everywhere.That was punk as shit I couldn't top that act,but that was it for the trans sonics Later Ronnie took a more pop approach with the Trendsetters who released an EP We Are Young. Step Passed away of causes unknown 2008/09 ?Ronnie Lives in Virginia Beach,He opened with a solo act for the Clap on tour one time at a bar called the corner bar. I played a few songs with him it was very cool .He even put us up for the night.I would love to see a trendsetters and Clap reunion one day !!!

    the Liars our long time foes .It started when Chip Schlegel Wanted to Join our band. We Didn't want him in the band, he didn't play good and didn't learn the songs fast enough.So He and a few others Formed The Liars Chip on Guitars,Bob Almazan on bass ,Steve Lapsansky on Drums and Todd Hartranft Vocals.They had a set together of songs but never had there shit together.They always wanted us to let them open for us,because we always would get Gigs at clubs and halls,we were in demand I guess you could say.We played all the Clubs in the area and got paid our contract amount too.They even threatened us and said they would kick our asses or disrupt our shows. It never happened anyway.One time we booked a show the Liars and The Clap at a house Party,things started off alright we were volleying sets back and forth I don't know if the liars got to fucked up or what but chip smashed his guitar and Todd the singer punctured every one of the drum heads on the drum set !! Some people said that people were booing them I don't know I was with this girl trying to get in her pants, which  I did.Any way that was usually the case with a liars show they were always a loose cannon and a rival of sorts mostly just a pain in the ass.(slap the Clap were the liars) was there chant.some times you will here it at my other bands shows (Nostalgia Crisis)the slam hounds and Dox like to needle me with it But I don't care,I have more important things to worry about than dribble from no ones.I have always worked hard for The Clap and wanted to make something of myself,I think I've done a lot for the local punk seen to be proud .

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Life Is Fun Wish You Were Here

 When the dust settled from the first few shows we Knew we had to get right to work.Things  started happening too  we got a manager and a place to practice.It was a couple down the road Dave and Beverly Mc Quillen  They Managed us and she had a barber shop where we would practice in the waiting room.We started learning new songs and writing a lot of new originals.Most of the songs were about life experiences Or some fucked up thing that would happen..Gigs were hard to get for a punk band in the 70's it was pretty much frowned upon,but we still got shows and good paying ones.We played carnivals and dances at parks in the summer and dance halls in the winter where we would set up the whole show.Doing shows at bars was hard at first mike and Robbie would need to have permission slips filed out for school and for the L.C.B.But we managed to get pretty many shows.

      There was another Catty punk band called the Liars.They always wanted us to get them shows or let them open the show for us ,a support Band.We told them to fuck off! They were a time bomb .a risk ,a bridge burner.We had enough trouble  getting gigs with the name of the band being THE CLAP !!Any way there were a lot of shows some I remember some are a bit Fuzzy The photo's are from these shows,Maybe you were there.Let us know all feed back is welcome.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Believe It Or Not Were Walking On Air

   Wow! What a show,What a punk performance,What a High,We were the buzz of the town.Things just seemed to be falling into place.We Needed a place to Practice and a friend of mine a former Girlfriend Kelly Beshins parents we are out of town for a while .Her Living room made due for a week which ended with a party that Friday night.The Party was Great we managed to Learn a few songs The Sex Pistols,Ramones.,The Diodes,angelic Upstarts,the Clash and a few more originals.The House was packed people bopping everywhere I think everyone got laid that night.We were Going to do a Saturday Night show But a Friend of mine new someone looking for a replacement band.I made a few connections and Landed the Gig For $300.00 At Carrol's Paradise in Bowman's town Pa.We Had To Play 3 sets 40 minutes each.We Got together about an hour of music and Hit the stage.We were pumped I can't Even Remember what we used to sing out of.Well that hour of music was done in record time about 30 min.So we mixed the songs up and did those songs 3x over we didn't care and neither did the people. The place was packed I didn't even Know any of the People But they were bopping all night. The Owner never noticed we played the songs over and over again He was just happy about all the beer and Iiqure  he sold.At the end of the Night I went up for a beer and he only had a 6 pack in the cooler and that was it a 6 pack.Well needless to say we were Booked up there Right away.What a weekend and a follow up from our 1 st show Things were going good and even getting better.As for that Party People ripped that girl off blind they stole so much shit.I was Pissed always a damper put on a good time.Well there will be plenty more of them a lot of good times and bad times That is what Rock and Roll is all about !!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The First Show

Well Here we were our first show ! What were we going to do, what were we going to play ?We Didn't Really have any full songs yet and I really didn't sing and play that good yet.So we decided to Go with the Ramones  blitz krig bop. That was easy to play and we learned the whole song  end to end.Then a brain storm how about our own song.Well that was it the birth of the first song VD is no laughing matter. It was a 3 chord number with a driving beat and nice and fast.Even had a small drop out where just the bass and drums played and then a glizz into the final verse and out.We also learned God Save The Queen Some what.We Rehearsed a few times in the drummers garage  We tightened the songs up as best we could.We were ready !
   The First show a talent show in front of the whole student body . This was going to be great ! we were psyched .We were all buzzed on some booze and weed Dressed in our best punk attire.The Crowd was ready for us as well we had advertised and told everyone we were a punk band  and we had a crazy punk show.

    We were the 3 rd act to go on there was a band going on after us so we knew we had to be good.With a 1,2,3,4 we started off with blitz-krig-bop people rushed the stage they were bopping in the isles camera flashes were going off , chicks screaming.We ended the first song to burst of screams and 1,2,3,4, into VD's No Laughing matter We were Jammin, a fuckin Punk rock Machine we were stars.we ended the song and the place erupted  into cheers and screams and chanting "We Want The Clap". we UN-plugged and exited stage left up the hall to a class room they directed us to.We were running People rushed the stage and were chasing us we couldn't believe what was happening they Loved us .We were looking at each other catching our breath and the principle  came up to us and said you boys better have something to settle them down with.I said shure and we took the stage for our anchor  and belt6ed out what we knew of god save the Queen ! The song ended with me and Rex smashing out notes Robbie kicking down his drums while I shouted out curse words and obesity
    What a show what a performance we won 2nd place a $40.00 prize which we put right up our noses that night.That was the beginning of punk in the Lehigh Valley The way  I remembered it.The way I lived It.It was such a great time of my life and I am enjoying doing this blog.I hope every one enjoys reading it .

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Naming a Band

I don't remember exactly how we came up with the name THE CLAP we tossed a few ideas around..I Know the Johnny Lofty band was out of the Question.It Had to be something catchy something sick something really PUNK.I Know We must have been drunk and high because that was the norm.Hell that's the way my band mates and me met.I use to sell bags of weed a Quarter oz here an eight oz there or a few joints It was all Small time but I made some serious money.I made enough to buy a Guitar and an amp which I still use today.My First Guitar was a sears Model My mom Got it in the sears catalogue  it was my Christmas present /Birthday.None of that mattered any way I had a guitar and I was going to be in a band.When I met Mike Rex He was a regular customer one day he saw my guitar and said he played before we knew it we were in my attic Jam in we added a friend of his on Drums Robbie Brungard and that was the start.We Jammed songs by groups like Budgie ,Rush,Areosmith and other rock bands.I liked Punk and wanted to play punk but didn't say any thing I was just Glad to Be Jam in.Till One day I paged through Mikes Record collection and all the way in the back was the Sex Pistols Never Mind The Bullocks.That Was the day that changed every thing the path was set Every body was in we were going to play PUNK.We started learning Ramones and Sex Pistols songs the best we could we were very young and had very little music lessons.Mike was the only one that had any proper music lessons But none the less we forged on Practicing whenever we could and where ever we could.I know we practiced for a few months with no name.I didn't really even sing with the songs yet and then Robbie Booked us at a talent show at the High school.!!! He Booked us as THE CLAP ! Well that was it we were  going to have our first gig As the band THE CLAP!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Punk In Catasauqua in the 70's was almost unheard of the only access was late late night Radio on WSAN. an AM station.FM wasn't used yet .It was called Bob Ross Power rock show which eventually moved to FM radio(Z-95).I also knew a lot of older people from working at the Roxy.Still punk was scarce So I Did What I could to find it.FANTAZMAGORIA  was the name of a record store in Allentown on 6th st..They would carry punk and all the British imports at that time you could get 5 to 6 LP's for $20.00.thank God for them the next closest place to get punk records was Philly and bleaker bobs in New York.It didn't take long for punk to be my obsession .I would dress really freaked out Punk didn't have a uniform yet and mohawks were a few years down the road.I would paint color into my hair pre- crazy color.We would also go to this clothing shop on Hamilton st. Venus and Furs they had all this old vintage clothing Just real cool shit.We were just inventing a punk look as we went along.this photo is of me at a volley ball marathon WSAN sponsored our team the 2 -h club(too high club).This was 1977 If you can make them out there a few punk bands written on my pants and shirt .