Monday, November 28, 2011

The Prince of punk

Step Pillage (aka Stephen Lanzillo):Was the true First punk of the Lehigh Valley.This Guy was punk to the core.I first met step at the 4 th st. saloon  , He was a loud obnoxious punk with a real hate for the Government.He thought everything was a conspiracy ,and the world was out to get him he was always paranoid .He would stand out in front of punk shows with propaganda fliers handing them out and shouting out political rants .people would spit on him throw his papers around push him.I thought it was funny because he never quit it got to the point that he would annoy people.He was really more a pest than anything ,and the craziest shit would happen to him because of it.
     One time I took him to a liars show ,it was outside at tri- borough sportsman's club.The liars were playing a set and step was being his annoying self shouting out rants and shit. after the 1st set I slipped away to smoke a joint,when I came back everyone was spiting on step and throwing things at him.They poured a pitcher of beer on his head and he freaked throwing his arms in the air and screaming as he went to his car.People continued to throw shit at his car.then someone threw a big hunk of grass with the roots and dirt on the wind shield.Step pealed out hitting a few tree's on the way.Later we herd he was stopped by the Northampton police gave them a hard time got maced and thrown in jail.this was par for step
     Step was so annoying he was banned from motleys record store and some club venues.I would let him stay at my house when he was in town because he was not allowed at his parents because he burned it to the ground when he fell a sleep with a cigarette.When we would hang out with me he would all most get beat up for lighting in scents in the clubs.It is sad that step is no longer with us but I will always  remember him as the PRINCE of PUNK

PS: Don't Get me wrong when you read these stories I loved Step He was a good friend. I am just telling These stories because they really happened.

Stephen A. Lanzillo

April 16, 2006|The Morning Call
Stephen A. Lanzillo, 44, of Bradenton, Fla., passed away April 4, 2006. He was the son of Loretta and Mario Lanzillo. Originally from Allentown, Stephen graduated from Allen High School. He worked at a few places in the Lehigh Valley including Day-Timers Inc. before moving to Cleveland, Ohio, Philadelphia, Pa., and most recently Bradenton, where he worked for a security service. Throughout his life, anyone who met or knew Stevie can never forget his unique charm and genuine personality. He will be missed dearly by friends here as well as the other places he lived.
Survivors: Mother, Loretta Lanzillo of Bradenton; sister, Janice Lanzillo and her children, Victoria and Matthew Smith, of Allentown, Pa.

PS: notice the in scents in steps hand !!!!

1 comment:

  1. RIP 100% forever.
    i once blagged my way into the follow fashion van to roadie for a show in philly and step was the other take-along. he had a bunch of tapes to play but they were all smoke damaged from the fire. he was a good dude and a legend to us younger punkers........
